
When was t he last time you anticipated doing something for yourself, loved ones, and friends and neighbors such that each and everyone's life was positively impacted?

Countdown is 42 days.  Life in all probability will not quite be the same.  Life will be better.  You will be better.  Your health will be better.

42 days -- July 13th -- Life changes.

D. James

Sign-in at djpowers.branded.me and I'll keep you abreast of the countdown clock.


Nikken - Discover it. Live it.

Nikken - Discover it. Live it.

To the Future - and Beyond ...

Future Focus
Think big. Learn from yesterday. Apply what you've learned and focus on the future. Start with a goal, Right? Do you ever hear someone say exactly what you're thinking but you may have been afraid to say it? Perhaps you just couldn't find the right words to say what you wanted in a way for someone to understand fully the message you want to convey? We all have these moments, perhaps several times each morning, a few more times in the afternoon, and a plethora of times in early evening and at night when your mind is just racing? Then we experience that moment! You know the time when your mind seemingly just shuts down or slows to a point where nothing makes sense? Let's just change all that. The problem with learning from yesterday and applying what you've learned today and tomorrow isn't a bad thing it's just that we all seem to wish to drag-up the past and reinsert what doesn't work. We call these stoppers habits. Habits have a way of habitually turning up at all the wrong times it would seem. When was the last time you literally focused on a 'good' habit? We always seem to relegate our minds to conjure up any 'bad' habits we have and allow the 'bad' habits to infiltrate our good intentions and destroy them. I wonder if you ... the reader might help me ... the writer to try a little test of sorts. If your past automatically caused you to think of something negative because I used the word "test" then I give you permission to think of it as more of a quiz. There - everyone should be at east now. Take a moment and try to remember what your New Year resolutions were for the year 2010. If you don't remember that's alright. If you didn't set out the year with any resolutions that's OK too, it's probably because you habitually didn't fulfill them in the past and thought - "what the heck, I never keep my resolutions anyway" - thus allowing that nasty habit a way back into your daily regimen. I'm willing to bet that didn't take too long. Now take a moment and try to think of WHY you failed to follow-through on any or all of your resolutions? Why do we only set out to make resolutions once annually if and when we exercise the option to do so? I liken the prospect of New Year's resolutions to be like a two block walk to your daily destination but the trek takes you excess of an hour to get there. The most direct route is the fastest way to get there, Right? Why does it take so long then? Because of the manhole along the route with the cover removed that a first person thought he/she could leap over it to arrive where they were going sooner than later. Then a second person arrived at that spot and saw the arm of the fallen person and when attempting to pull him/her out of the hole, his free hand slipped and he too was now in the hole with the first passer-by. Yet another person arrived and attempted to pull one of the two out only to succumb to being overwhelmed and now there were three. Then another, and yet another and before you know it there is a crowd of hands and arms extended to try to be rescued. Each passer-by willing to help learns - after the fact - that it is easier to be pulled-in then it is to pull-out! Now the musings of the crowd are surely negative and the new community of peers, albeit unwilling at one point, can essentially get nothing done. When but one or two are in the hole, it is an exception to the rule and any negativity can be dealt with but in time when many become the exception, the exception becomes the rule. Soon enough it is forgotten that an easier way to get where you are headed may well not be the most direct route. It may benefit you to avoid the uncovered manhole altogether by going around the block. Seemingly it would be an inconvenience to go three extra blocks to get somewhere where only two blocks separate you from arriving straight there, but getting lost along the way may be more of an inconvenience because you succumbed to an old habit. Now that you've arrived at your daily destination by taking the long way you can devote some time and energy to finding a new solution to rescuing your fallen comrades along the way. You, in essence, are a hero because you've not only arrived but you've shown people another way. You never know what you might encounter when you take the longer way to your destination. Sometimes, it may just be the view. Some times it may be the people you encounter on a different street. Some times it may well be only your line of thinking that gives you a newer perspective on things. The next time you witness a squirrel running about in the yard, or on the other street, reflect a little of what your immediate impression is ... "Oh, how cute!"; "My, that little guy is quick;" or whatever your thoughts might be. Meanwhile, the cute and quick squirrel is busy collecting and keeping track of how many chestnuts will be required to sustain him through the winter. Still the cute and quick furry creature but on a mission nonetheless. What is your mission? Where are you heading? Are you on course with where you thought you'd be when you made those superficial resolutions last January? Are you already giving thought to some of 2011's resolutions? Do it now! Who can ensure your future Health & Wealth? Can we really rely on government?, or your employer? You surely won't find it on Television or the Radio. Command it of yourself by daring to take a road less traveled. Harness your future by incorporating the Pillars of Power necessary to live in Health & Abundance. "Someday" is not a day of the week.


Health Care through Nutrition

Synthetic (Vitamins & Minerals)? Homeopathy? Blood Type (Diet)? Naturopathy? Traditional (Nutritional advice)? Organics? Raw Foods (Diet)? Herbals? Vegetarian (Diet)? Oh my - What is one to do? The human body is made up of air, food, and water. These are the essentials that comprise the human body. Our bodies instinctively know and are programmed to know what to do with food when it is introduced (eaten) and utilized by the body. Food is broken down and utilized as links to assimilate and use the vitamins and minerals, which link to protein, which links to fatty acids, which link to carbohydrates, which link to minerals, which link to water which links to those pesky vitamins and minerals. This chain is nearly flawless because a well fed body does not make mistakes. Our bodies are made of between 60% - 67% water; 15% - 19% proteins; 12% - 15% fat; 3% minerals; 2% carbohydrates and 1% vitamins. Just a quick thought of these numbers automatically makes me wonder why the word vitamin, or vitamins, is the one we most often hear of that is needed for better health. When were you last introduced to the "One-a-Day Water Pill?" We all hear that we need to get plenty of water but when was the last time you heard the numbers? We'd probably be better served to invent a complimentary One-a-Day Carb; and a One-a-Day Mineral; and a One-a-Day Fat, and so on. Truth told is we have this already. Problem is you'll not see a commercial product sandwiched between your favorite prime-time television programming because the medical community won't make any money on it thus it won't impact their political prowess at municipal, county, state or federal levels. What you need to do is alot of research about what recipe's are best for some of these needs?, which water to drink is really the best for you?, which fat is LDL versus HDL (say what?)?, what exactly are these minerals?, and then another full circle back to vitamins - just which one's are best? All of this information is widely available if you know where to find it. If you take six-months to six-years off your job or schooling you can surely find the information that's pertinent to you. But who has the time, let alone the energy, to accomplish this task? Nobody. http://Simplexityhealth.com/PowerPillarsV (Click the Functional Nutrition DVD) What would you give to be able to supplement your diet with a product that provides no less than 45 essential nutrients necessary to make your body recognize, utilize, and prosper from simply adding it to your current diet regimen. Regardless of what foods you eat your body will make better use of the nutrients it needs while also better recognizing and disposing what it does not need if the food, or supplements, you eat provide a wide array of essential nutrients. There is such a food - it's Blue-Green Algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aqaeu) which contains 45 essential nutrients; 20 of which are minerals; 15 vitamins; 2 essential fatty acids and 8 - 10 essential amino acids. The body already knows naturally that there is a interdependency factor it needs to be able to link macronutrients (fatty acids, protein & carbohydrates) to micronutrients (minerals, vitamins & enzymes) and this is what all real foods provide. Removal of any these nutrients creates a non-food and the body has to give something up to mimic the process of what real food provides. This act by the body is in effect depleting itself of its own immune systems. Sometimes the body can find a nutrient within its own storage facility - the good fat in all of us, and at other times literally steals from in-place systems to either complete the cycle or trick itself into having done so. Seemingly unnoticed bone density loss could occur if Calcium can be used as an example of this process. Many problems can occur from such thefts over time and ultimately lead to incorporating medicine to compensate for such a loss. http://Healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV (Click the Functional Nutrition DVD icon on homepage) A mineral wheel is often used to illustrate the complexity and preciseness of each minerals relationship to how they are assimilated and utilized by our bodies. They contribute to every organ, every tissue and literally every cell (100 Trillion +) in our body. Each of the 100+ trillion cells acts as a factory which uses such raw materials as food, water, air and toxins to produce proper metabolism, create energy and vitality, maintain balance and harmony and create health. The body also determines how to get rid of everything it doesn't use or want by way of waste product (Urine, feces, breath and sweat). This factory is in operation every moment of every day of every year of our life. All the body asks of us is that we provide the appropriate tools in order to do its job. If we fail to do so it rewards us in return with disease, illness and regretfully death to some. http://Nikken.com/PowerPillarsV Every day our body is busy replenishing itself of many millions of cells at a regular interval. We are the guardians of our bodies, or think of it as the superintendent of the factory, and have to begin taking this responsibility more seriously. We are all individual living miracles. An idea of some of these intervals of cellular level replacement follows:
  • The Brain and Spinal Chord do not replace or renew cells.
  • The Lungs are replaced every 3 - 5 months
  • Most organs, i.e. Liver, Kidney, etc. are replaced every 3 - 5 months
  • The skin (the body's largest organ) does so every 1 - 2 days
  • The Muscular system renews itself every 14 months
  • The Skeletal system is renewed every 3.5 years
  • The stomach cells are discarded and replaced every 1 - 2 hours
  • The Heart is renewed every 90 - 92 days and
  • Red Blood Cells celebrate every 124 days
Armed with this information leads me to inform, or perhaps remind, you of what the typical standard American diet is really like. We are a generation raised and addicted to Junk Food. Partial and processed foods (white sugar and white flour for example); toxic foods from dairy, meats, hydrogenated oils, etc.; Non-food additives such as salt. alcohol. coffee, etc.; and finally something good from the farm in fruits, vegetables, and grains. A head-to-head match between a real food and processed food might do better to help internalize the point I'm trying to make. Lets look at some Carrots versus the Twinkie. Everybody loves the twinkie but I know a good number of people who won't give carrots a second look. Real carrots possess glucose, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water. Real carrots do not possess any toxins! Twinkies on the other hand have a real killer line up with glucose, fats, a little water and an array of toxins. Did you know that a Twinkie has no expiration date? Seriously, there is no shelf life for a twinkie. Admit it, you really want one right now don't you? C'mon, admit it. http://Healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV Junk food equals a net loss and degeneration of the bodies cells. Real food on the other hand leads to net gains and regeneration of individual cells. We've probably all borne witness to all the warnings but I wonder sometimes if they are not in such abundance that we subconsciously ignore them. The artificial sweeteners, flouridated water, isolated & synthetic vitamins, cigarettes, BHT, radioactive waste, food coloring and dyes, industrial chemicals in our water supply systems, irradiated foods, BHA, salt, alcohol, Antibiotics and steroids, MSG, drugs (prescription and illegal), aluminum, antibiotics in milk, preservatives, heavy metals, genetically altered foods, bleached flour and starches, chlorinated water, and high cholesterol -- just to name a few. Can I get you a Twinkie? There is GOOD NEWS and HOPE. All degenerative conditions and disease can be prevented, arrested and often times reversed by our lifestyle choices! DIET does make a difference! http://Simplexityhealth.com/PowerPillarsV Now that you've finished chewing the rubberish Twinkie I'll let you know there are factors that you can look for in food that make it a health promoting and valuable asset. Look for whole foods, nutrient rich food that is enzymatically active and preferably raw. You want foods that more easily assimilable, uncontaminated, wild grown and with a alkaline/acidic balance. Whole food supplements are a practical solution. Look for low temperate drying and fermenting capacities. Nearly all organic and whole food fit the bill. We can all harness our own most powerful health mechanisms and be on a road to optimal health and well being. Nourish your body with nutrient-rich superfoods from nature. Optimal health can be achieved with superfood nutrition which will nourish the body, antioxidant nutrition which assists with cellular renewal, and digestive nutrition which is directly linked to energy. A proper diet, an exercise regimen and continuous drinking of pure water all contribute to your optimum health and wellness. http://Nikken.com/PowerPillarsV Obviously one of the most important aspects of getting any job done correctly is utilizing the right tools. One big hammer is with Simplexity Healths premier whole food supplements. A 25+ year old company whom manufacture organic, wild-crafted and all natural products processed to maintain food and nutrient integrity with low heat drying methods, fermentation and enzymatically alive. The end product is a superior supplement which are the result of the special care that is taken in producing these supplements. Nutrition is more than just the diet. The following are the six stages of nutrition:
  • Food
  • Digestion
  • Absorption
  • Circulation
  • Assimilation &
  • Elimination
There is not a single source, no prophetic magic bullet, no automatic - nor semi-automatic device that can, or perhaps ever will distribute to your body what your body requires for us to eat. Perhaps that is why fruit and vegetables grow properly, when tended properly, and provide animals, insects, mammals, and even human beings the ability to sustain ourselves by indulging of their benefits. Individually and sometimes when combined, fruits and vegetables, meats and fish sustain us when make these staples a part of our lives. Since ancient times Super Blue-Green Algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) has contained nutrients in identical ratios as needed on a daily basis. Science confirm that Super Blue-Green Algae does a body good. http://healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV http://Simplexityhealth.com/PowerPillarsV Consider a delicious, organic shortcut to vital nutrition containing organic wheat sprouts; organic barley sprouts; organic oat sprouts; organic quinoa; organic sprouted millet; organic sprouted spelt; organic wheat grass; organic greeen oat grass; organic barley grass; organic basmati rice syrup; organic apple pectin; organic kelp & dulse (wild sea vegetables); jerusalem artichoke/GOS; date fiber; siberian ginseng root; stevia leaf; wild blue-green algae and some enzymes (lipase, amylase. cellulase & protease). This is but one product! Nutrition is more than just diet, it is a process of what occurs in our bodies after introducing to our bodies what we consider a diet. Consider plant based digestive enzymes which provide natural digestive support for you and your entire family. Introduce your body to acidophilus, bifidus, and spectrabiotic. Do some good for your digestive tract. A full-spectrum antioxidant with sprouts and blue-green algae; selenium; copper; zinc; manganese; beta-carotene; vitamins E & C; CoQ-10 (vitamins E & Se). When is the last time you saw an energy bar with 34 wild-crafted organic and natural food products, 10 grams of protein & 7 grams of fiber in every bar? The ingredients of each contains: Organic crispy brown rice; organic oat sprouts; organic quinoa sprouts; organic barley sprouts; organic wheat sprouts; organic sprouted millet; organic super blue-green algae; eleuthero; barley grass; almond butter; rolled oats; date fiber; pea fiber; apple pectin; almonds; raisins; jerusalem artichoke; green oat grass; wheat grass; sesame seeds; flax seed; oat bran; dulse & kelp; natural almond flavor; fruitrim; organic basmati rice syrup; pure vanilla; sea salt; & plant based digestive enzymes lipase, amylase, cellulase, & protease. All of this is one product too - every bar. Have you thought about an opportunity to enhance your body's own natural repair system? There's a scientifically proven 70% increase in adult stem cell production with direct effects on bone marrow cells, CDJ4+ cells, & CDI33+ cells. http://Simplexityhealth.com/PowerPillarsV Sickness and disease are not natural by-products of life! Proper nutrition can lead to a disease-free life which leads to a higher quality of life which in-turn leads to a longer length life. Isn't this, after all is said and done, really what we are all really after? Dare to take a road less traveled and live healthy. D. James Powers PowerPillarsV 800-678-0948 &/or 518-879-0598 djames_toyourhealth@hotmail.com http://Healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV http://Nikken.com/PowerPillarsV


I am looking for my Egg-Scraper ...

... to remove the grit from my face. I totally forgot about this blog page. I owe everybody whom has perused my earlier posts to at least keep it up to date. Tune in soon for another untimely edition of ...


Are you ...

... 1% better a person today than yesterday? Why not?


Harnessing 1's Health:

New Faith in (some) Government OK, you got me - there's a reason this sentence is in Red. It's because more often than not bottom line's usually are in the same color. However, the optimist in me changes like the Chameleon and I'm still trying to figure out if this is due me needing to hide or blend in to fool some whom occupy the same territory or if it is because I want to 'trick' my neighborly occupants soasto engulf them and not have the competition. Forever the optimist because I've yet to make a dime in a business environment I expect not only to sustain me soon but grow as big as my dreams for it have allowed me to aspire to be happy and content. I attended a wonderful 'summit' yesterday where a good number of government officials were in attendance but at no point during the entire event did I feel submitted to vote for or against a particular agenda. It was truly amazing and uplifting to be present amongst such a vast array of people and at any point feel as though our children's future was not the heartfelt reason everyone was there. Politicians, Teachers, Communities, Private Organizations (large & small) and then there was I was - seemingly the odd man out due that I'm none of the aforementioned. I was present as an independent businessperson seeking an eventual profit from my attendance and from information I would gain from the content of the morning and early afternoon. However, I was not present under a guise of being selfish or wanting something for nothing. We all had the future in mind, the future of a generation which would adopt not only the legacy of our households or traditions which are worthy but also the failings we are sharing with them and we nor they even know it. The subject of the Summit, held in what my son and I refer to as "God's Hand" but more worldly known as Lake Placid and even more vastly known as the Adirondack Mountains of New York (NY) State, was NY State's (and our countries) epidemic of obesity. Even more good news seems to be a collaboration of Research professionals and Educators throughout NY State whom are determined to provide funding, information and projects to have an impact upon where we are headed in the future. The very fact that I was enthralled by the gathering of the minds was that all in attendance seem to agree that no magic bullets will cure what ails us yet a collaborative effort by many will prevent unnecessary deaths and will simultaneously enhance the lives of those we save and extend lives by living a healthful and active life in the future. There is far too much to cover in one post so I plan to extend this posting to several days of information. Needless to say if you have input you deem worthy of sharing with me or others whom share these posts, please do not hesitate to do so. Thank You. A few good avenues to contact me are @ Powerhousevi@hotmail.com; or in the blog. A few great avenues to more immediately make a difference in your life and those whom you care most about are: Simplexityhealth.com/powerpillarsv or Healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV