
Are you ...

... 1% better a person today than yesterday? Why not?


Harnessing 1's Health:

New Faith in (some) Government OK, you got me - there's a reason this sentence is in Red. It's because more often than not bottom line's usually are in the same color. However, the optimist in me changes like the Chameleon and I'm still trying to figure out if this is due me needing to hide or blend in to fool some whom occupy the same territory or if it is because I want to 'trick' my neighborly occupants soasto engulf them and not have the competition. Forever the optimist because I've yet to make a dime in a business environment I expect not only to sustain me soon but grow as big as my dreams for it have allowed me to aspire to be happy and content. I attended a wonderful 'summit' yesterday where a good number of government officials were in attendance but at no point during the entire event did I feel submitted to vote for or against a particular agenda. It was truly amazing and uplifting to be present amongst such a vast array of people and at any point feel as though our children's future was not the heartfelt reason everyone was there. Politicians, Teachers, Communities, Private Organizations (large & small) and then there was I was - seemingly the odd man out due that I'm none of the aforementioned. I was present as an independent businessperson seeking an eventual profit from my attendance and from information I would gain from the content of the morning and early afternoon. However, I was not present under a guise of being selfish or wanting something for nothing. We all had the future in mind, the future of a generation which would adopt not only the legacy of our households or traditions which are worthy but also the failings we are sharing with them and we nor they even know it. The subject of the Summit, held in what my son and I refer to as "God's Hand" but more worldly known as Lake Placid and even more vastly known as the Adirondack Mountains of New York (NY) State, was NY State's (and our countries) epidemic of obesity. Even more good news seems to be a collaboration of Research professionals and Educators throughout NY State whom are determined to provide funding, information and projects to have an impact upon where we are headed in the future. The very fact that I was enthralled by the gathering of the minds was that all in attendance seem to agree that no magic bullets will cure what ails us yet a collaborative effort by many will prevent unnecessary deaths and will simultaneously enhance the lives of those we save and extend lives by living a healthful and active life in the future. There is far too much to cover in one post so I plan to extend this posting to several days of information. Needless to say if you have input you deem worthy of sharing with me or others whom share these posts, please do not hesitate to do so. Thank You. A few good avenues to contact me are @ Powerhousevi@hotmail.com; or in the blog. A few great avenues to more immediately make a difference in your life and those whom you care most about are: Simplexityhealth.com/powerpillarsv or Healthyfutures.net/PowerPillarsV


Harnessing 1's Health: Harnessing 1's Health

Harnessing 1's Health: What have you done, either today or yesterday, to change your attitude to be more healthy? If your answer is 'nothing' panic not, you are not alone. I learned some lessons in retail sales and marketing recently that stun some people and yet only bounce off others. Mail-in rebates: Did you know that universally less than 34% of people eligible for such rebates ever file a claim to receive what is rightfully theirs? 66.4% of people do not take the time nor energy to fulfill and receive mail-in rebate offers. This is exactly why retail business continues to attach mail-in offers as an enticement to purchase a particular brand or product. The major corporate entity involved even takes advantage of tax breaks via the government whether or not a rebate claim is exercised thus ensuring a healthier profit and bottom line. This ploy is considered by me to be 'shoppers candy' used by major manufacturers to seduce the buyer into a mental attitude that he or she will benefit more by purchasing a particular product at a given price within a specific amount of time. Typically after a choice is made by a consumer to purchase a given product a salespersons lips continue to move but nothing seems to be heard by a consumer after a choice is made. This fact I have another name for as well. I call this the 'adolescent moment' in a sales transaction. Information such as how to claim a mail-in rebate, or how to qualify for insuring a particular product for the most part goes unheard. I liken this to telling a six-year old child to do something and actually expect that it be done, let alone heard. The consumer is interested at this point with one thing and that is paying for and obtaining whatever product he/she has purchased and moving onward to either other business or another store perhaps for more stuff. Even after explaining what I believed to be the trend to future consumers the percentages either stayed the same or worsened. Conversation was seemingly light and nearly comical to the point that I would ask some to complete the mail-in rebates and forward the funds to a charity of their choice in their name. Some even seemingly giggled at this suggestion despite my being sincere about the idea. What has this to do with health or either yesterday's or today's attempt to incorporate change in our behavior? The answer to about 66.4% of people I'm afraid might well be ... 'who cares?' The answer to me, and hopefully, the balance of 33.6% of persons who try to change our habits to a more health conducive day may well be to simply not get all caught up in the psychology of why we practice more healthy habits but rather, as Nike retorts, 'Just Do It!' After all aren't Nike shoes better than the others?


Harnessing 1's Health

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Tomorrow I promise to be 1% better a person and with each passing day I will have evolved in less than 4 months to be 100% better a person and yet still grow daily. Surely with the input of what I hope will be many, I and hopefully they too, will grow exponentially by the day, by the week, monthly, quarterly and annually. WOW - Now that's growth! Just in time for me too - because at my age gravity is trying to impede on my growth. (You'd better be smiling right about now) ;-} My objective herein is to facilitate to one, two, many or hopefully countless people a new concept of looking at our selves as ourselves. No Smoke, No Mirrors (no mirrors at all for the most vain of us), No Magic Bullets or Pills ... but rather just some common sense that isn't all too common. The magical answers to a lot of what burdens us that doesn't appear on Page One, thus it is rarely seen by we 'back pagers.' At least weekly I will post the not so common remedies to most of life's ills in a no nonsense, straight-forward manner that can be practiced and/or incorporated in daily life right away to better our defenses against that which attacks our personal health. I welcome assistance, advice, criticism (hopefully constructive) and anything else that might further the message so that more can benefit from my objective.